Our partner Bosch just shared a great video and article on how Dryad is using the Bosch BME688 gas sensor for ultra-early detection of wildfires.
Thanks for a great video shoot and looking forward to continue our successful collaboration with Bosch Sensortec GmbH and Bosch Energy and Building Solutions. We are looking forward to make a difference in the world and protect the world's forests from destructive wildfires. We need to scale and deploy fast and wide to put a dent into the 20% of global CO2 emissions coming from #wildfires, protect #biodiversity and help to mitigate #climatechange by protecting the world's largest carbon sink - the forests.
As an impact for profit, Dryad's mission is to maximize impact while at the same time scaling revenue and profitability. Fortunately, impact and profit is not a contradiction, but actually synergistic. Climate Change is the largest threat that humanity has ever faced and consequently, tackling it is the biggest business opportunity, ever. We are working on 20% of the problem.
Direct link to the video: https://youtu.be/A4DK8jQnHbQ
Direct Link to the article: https://www.bosch.com/stories/early-forest-fire-detection-sensors/