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  • Ben Jones

Dryad Showcases Innovative Wildfire Detection Technology at EU Structural Funding Event

Updated: Feb 16

BMWK building

Dryad Networks participated in a workshop on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, dedicated to shaping improvements in European and national policy-making for public research funding. The event brought together key stakeholders from national, regional, and local levels of government, including representatives from German national ministries for Economics (BMWK, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz) and the Environment (BMU, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz).

Carsten Brinkschulte, Dryad’s CEO and Co-founder, contributed to discussions aimed at enhancing policy frameworks for public research funding. The workshop provided a valuable platform for engaging with policymakers, sharing insights, and collaborating on strategies to optimize support structures for research initiatives and innovation projects

In addition to their participation in the policy discussions, Dryad showcased its Silvanet Suite at the event: an innovative product family of sensors and gateways providing ultra-early wildfire detection. These cutting-edge solutions, developed with funding from the ProFIT programme between 2020 and 2022, underscore Dryad's commitment to tackling climate change via forest fire detection and forest health monitoring. ProFIT is a programme by ILB, the business promotion bank in the federal state of Brandenburg, that provides funding for research and development intensive innovation projects with significant support from ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).

The ProFIT programme, a key supporter of Dryad's research and development endeavors, played a crucial role in the successful development of the showcased products. These solutions exemplify the tangible outcomes of strategic funding initiatives, highlighting their practical applications and real-world impact.

Dryad expresses gratitude for the invitation and the opportunity to contribute to the dialogue on research funding policies and is enthusiastic about the positive impact of the workshop.


1 Comment

Unknown member
Aug 27

Dryad's innovative wildfire detection technology is a game-changer for enhancing safety and response efforts. At the EU Structural Funding Event, showcasing such advancements highlights the importance of integrating cutting-edge solutions into critical areas. Duplicator Sales provides essential office technology that supports innovation and efficiency in various sectors. With their advanced copiers, printers, and IT solutions, businesses can stay at the forefront of their fields. Investing in the right tools is key to driving progress and success in any industry.

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